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Concord Presbyterian Church News

Prayer Group meets via Zoom, Wednesday at 7:00PM.


REMINDERS - Offerings can be made with offering envelopes, online through our website, direct debit from a bank account (see our Treasurer Bob J. to set up) or with the QR code on the pew cards. If you give electronically, please make sure your time frame for automatic donations has not expired.


- If you have not already picked up your offering envelopes from the lobby, please do so.


PASTOR’S BOOK CLUB  Monday Jan. 27th at 7PM.  We will be covering chapters 4 and 5.


DEACONS meet Sunday Feb. 16th after Spiritual Formation.


FISH CUPBOARD Next Sunday is Fish Cupboard Sunday.  Fish Cupboard is a fund that assists members our church family and the community who find themselves in need.


FEBRUARY NEWSLETTER is available printed in the vestibule, the Concord Cares box.

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